What is Hanuda?
Born in the Land of Misumi
Born in the Land of Misumi
Hanuda Village is a deserted village in the mountains of Misumi County. Positioned in a basin, surrounded by mountains on three sides, the Mana River flows through its centre as though cutting a path through the village.
The village can trace its history back for around 1300 years, from ancient times until the natural disaster that occurred in 1976. However, due to this disaster it fell into ruin, most of the houses lapsing into decay, and rumours about baffling supernatural phenomena occurring there continue unabated. (Perhaps the background for this is that Hanuda Village has long been known as an unsociable, closed-off place to neighbouring villages, and the rumours that a terrible ritual was performed there behind closed doors may have exacerbated this.)
Before the disaster, it is said that there was a small high street in an area known as Arato, containing a restaurant, tobacconist, barber and other shops, but according to records it had already undergone huge depopulation, small enough of a scale for each class at Hanuda Elementary School Oribe to contain two year groups.